Thursday, January 9, 2014

What are my chances of success with gender selection treatment?

The chances of success will depend on a number of factors. These include your age, your hormone levels and general level of fertility as well as your husband's semen characteristics and other factors like the equipment used, doctors' experience and choice of medication. So it is really misleading to quote a success statistics in general or based on just your age. However, the age based statistics we publish on our website more or less provides an idea of what you will be looking at. However, your individual hormone profile and your ovarian reserves are the most important determinant of how likely you are to achieve success. Patients up till mid-30s usually have a very good chance of getting pregnant on the first attempt as long as they have an ovarian reserve and a hormone profile in line with their age. Above the age of 35, the level of fertility declines and the chances of success start to diminish.

In some cases, when we are able to obtain a good count and quality of eggs, we end up having multiple embryos of desired sex and if there are more embryos than required for the given transfer cycle, we are able to preserve the ones that will not be used in the current cycle. This gives you a chance to use these preserved embryos at a future date without having to go through the entire treatment again.

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