Tuesday, July 31, 2012

Vitamins and IVF

Vitamins are an essential part of your treatment. It has been shown that folic acid supplements not only help you maintain a healthy pregnanyc, but also help with your baby’s neural development, therefore, it is important to start using folic acid prior to embryo transfer and continue using for the duration of your pregnancy.
Similarly, use of Vitamin C tablets (precisely, 500 mg) has been identified with increased quality of eggs retrieved, therefore, it will be important to use vitamin C supplements daily for at least 2-3 weeks prior to egg retrieval.
Finally, because your daily food intake may not provide you with all the essential nutrients, it will be important to use a prenatal vitamin complex prior to and throughout your pregnancy. Pregnacare or any other one-a-day prenatal vitamin complex will be useful.


Saturday, July 28, 2012

Places of Interest in North Cyprus

While you are in Cyprus, you might as well enjoy the natural beauties and fine dining! Below is a list of the main attractions you can fit into your short schedule:

- Bellapais Monastry: This historical monastry is located in the beautiful village of Bellapais. It offers an amazing view of the entire coastal strip and has amazing reastaurants where you can enjoy the fine Turkish cuisine. Kybele restaurant is one such place.

- Kyrenia Harbor: This historical harbor is one long strip with fine dining, cafes and pubs, although a bit touristy, it is a must see!

- Quente’s Steakhouse: This is one of the most brilliant places in the entire world! Meat lovers, this is one place where you will have enough of it and say, please don’t bring any more! This interesting restaurant has a card system where green card means bring more and when you are full, you turn your card red, which means no more. Until you do so, the chef will keep sending you more and more. This restaurant is by far one of the best restaurants on the island. The average cost of a meal with a bottle of wine shared between two would be about 25 pounds per person. Ask our receptionist for taxi transport so that she can get you a good deal.

- Sabor El Latino: This restaurant offers a very sophisticated cusine of Italian and Latino food. The T-bone steak and the Fettucini El Sabor Lationo with seafood are the specialties you should not miss out! Ask for directions at the clinic. There are two locations, one in the historical town and one on the business district. The historical town is the one you want to go for a full experience…

- Mado’s Patiesserie in Nicosia: This patisserie has amazing choices of turkish desserts and ice cream. If you have a sweet tooth, this is one of the places you should visit for your dessert cravings! Mado’s is located about 150 meters east of the Golden Tulip Hotel.

- Oldies Bar: A nice and quiet place with oldies music and great drinks. More of a 30+ bar, where you can hear yourself speak and have a conversation while enjoying the music! Our driver does offer transportation to and from this bar on specific days of the week. You get 20% off your drinks when you mention you are from the clinic ;)

- Lemar Supermarket Chain: This one is for the curious traveler to see different varieties of supermarket items and compare prices with local alternatives. There is a Lemar in every city.


Monday, July 23, 2012

Where to get your scans?

Since majority of our patients come from abroad, and given that in our hectic lives, we all have work/family or other commitments, not everyone is able to travel for treatment for a long period of time. In order to shorten the length of your stay without compromising your chances of success, our protocols are prepared so that you can have access to your medication and follow a certain treatment calendar prior to your arrival in Cyprus. This minimizes your stay down to 8 days. However, in the meanwhile, while you are using your medication, you will need to have a couple of scans in order to observe how you are responding to the medication and whether we need any dose adjustments or additional supplements. For this end, you can either see your own gynecologist for the scans if they are willing to cooperate, or use one of the locations we recommend.

1- For UK patients, Baby Bond is a great place for the scans. The scans are reasonably priced and you are able to get last minute appointments. The best thing about baby bond is, they have locations all over the UK, please visit http://www.babybond.com for more specific information about location and appointments.

2- For US patients, we have a number of locations that we can recommend. However, since the US has a very large geaography, our locations may need air travel, which may not be convenient to all patients. Please ask Ahmet directly about the US locations.

3- For Turkey patients, there is a location almost in every city where we can recommend for your scans, please ask Ahmet about these locations.

4- For patients from the Netherlands, we have a local representative who will be in charge of all the preliminary work, Mr. Bert Van Delen. We will get you in touch with him once you are admitted into our treatment program.

5- For other locations, please ask us if we have any recommendations. We have options for patients from Germany, Switzerland, Italy and France, but only in the capitals.


Thursday, July 19, 2012



Gagner une grande popularité dans les dernières années, Tandem vélo permet aux femmes ayant des réserves ovariennes abaissé à avoir une chance de grossesse en utilisant leurs propres oeufs, mais en même temps avoir une réserve d'oeufs back-up grâce à l'utilisation d'une donneuse d'ovules. Un cycle de tandem vous permet de recevoir une dose plus faible de médicaments puisque vous ne sera besoin de quelques œufs de bonne qualité. À la fin de ce processus, vous obtenez de décider quelle est la combinaison de vos propres oeufs et des oeufs donateurs à utiliser. Cela vous permet également d'avoir un aller avec vos propres oeufs premier et congeler les oeufs donateur pour un futur cycle sans devoir faire face au coût de deux cycles distincts.

Un cycle de tandem est une excellente option pour les femmes plus âgées et pour les femmes avec les niveaux de FSH élevés. Un cycle tandem peut être considérée comme l'investissement dans deux stocks différents de diviser le risque de votre investissement, de sorte que le risque est minimisé. Un cycle de tandem vous donne la possibilité d'utiliser vos propres oeufs dans votre traitement, peu pire arrive au pire, si, vous avez vos back-up des oeufs qui proviennent de votre donneuse d'ovule, de sorte que vous n'avez pas à passer par un autre cycle de FIV.

Au nord de Chypre FIV, nous avons fourni cycle de traitement en tandem pour un certain temps avec de belles réussites. Combinaison, en particulier whena de vos oeufs et d'oeufs à votre bailleur de fonds sont utilisés, les chances de succès ont tendance à monter de façon spectaculaire. En outre, le fait que vous donner une chance que l'un de vos propres embryons avec votre propre matériel génétique pourrait être l'embryon un pour produire la grossesse, vous pourriez vous sentir plus positif sur l'utilisation d'un cycle en tandem plutôt que d'utiliser des ovules de donneuse uniquement.

Qui sont nos donateurs?

Nos donateurs sont principalement entre les âges de 19-24, qui sont des étudiants internationaux qui étudient dans les universités de Chypre. Comme nous avons une base de donateurs importante, l'appariement des donateurs est un processus relativement rapide, par conséquent, les temps d'attente ne sont pas longtemps. Pour la correspondance des bailleurs de fonds, nous avons besoin des informations telles que vos types de sang, vos caractéristiques physiques, et peut-être une image afin que nous puissions vous fournir une liste des profils qui sont les meilleurs matchs.

Vous seront fournis des informations telles que, l'âge, caractéristiques physiques, éducatives fond, les loisirs et les intérêts ainsi que des informations don précédent. Tous nos donateurs subissent un processus de sélection très stricte où nous ne faisons pas seulement pour l'écran les maladies infectieuses, mais aussi exécuter un fond familial pour raison médicale, ainsi que le génotypage du HPV (qui est seulement disponible à notre clinique dans l'ensemble de Chypre du Nord)

Par où commencer?

La première étape de traitement est de consulter votre gynécologue local pour une échographie (échographie). C'est pour s'assurer que le partenaire de sexe féminin n'a pas fibromes, les polypes principaux dans l'utérus, ou des kystes dans les ovaires, ou rien du tout en général qui peuvent potentiellement interférer avec une grossesse réussie.
Le traitement initial s'effectue très facilement avec une carte de traitement, nous vous fournirons en fonction de vos informations d'identification. Ce tableau de traitement contiendra tous les jours

l'utilisation des médicaments, ainsi que d'un calendrier pour vos rendez-vous chez le médecin. Le tout sera clair une fois que nous savons quel type d'un protocole à suivre. Une fois que nous sommes en mesure de vous fournir un tableau, alors nous pouvons mener à bien les travaux préliminaires par e-mail et de la communication de téléphone à la fois avec vous et votre gynécologue. Une fois le travail préliminaire est terminé, vous aurez besoin pour venir à Chypre pendant environ 6 jours. Vous serez attendu à Chypre dans le 12e jour de la période menstruelle.

Nous aurons besoin infectieuses résultats des tests de maladies avant que nous puissions effectuer le transfert d'embryon ici. Vous pouvez soit les ont fait là-bas ou ici une fois que vous arrivez à notre clinique. C'est juste pour s'assurer que nous ne passons pas toutes les maladies infectieuses à pénétrer le nouveau-né.

Ces tests de maladies infectieuses sont les suivants:

Pour Femme Pour Partner partenaire de sexe masculin
Anti-VIH anti-VIH
Anti-VHC anti-VHC
HbsAg HbsAg
Rubéole IgG

Se procurer ce médicament et le traitement initial

Nous serons en mesure de vous envoyer une copie scannée de votre ordonnance une fois que nous voyons certains résultats de tests et d'identifier le bon mode de traitement. Vous pouvez utiliser cette ordonnance à la pharmacie internationale que nous travaillons avec. La pharmacie est en mesure de livrer dans le monde entier, et ne sont des prix raisonnables. Adresse de la pharmacie est la suivante:
Site Web: http://www.fertility2u.com
Adresse e-mail: info@fertility2u.com
Personne-ressource: Bushra Sheikh

Avec les médicaments que vous achetez, vous serez en mesure d'avoir votre travail préliminaire localement sous notre supervision et avec les conseils de votre gynécologue local. À la fin de ce processus, il vous sera demandé de se rendre à Chypre pour 6 jours.

L'administration du médicament

Les injections sont tous les sous-cutanée, et sont administrés autour de la zone du ventre. La vidéo suivante fournit des informations sur l'ajustement de mélange et de la dose.

Après avoir regardé la vidéo sur le lien ci-dessus, s'il vous plaît consulter la vidéo sur le lien ci-dessous relatif à l'administration de l'injection:

Voyager à Chypre

Notre clinique est située à Nicosie, Chypre du Nord. La aéroport le plus proche de notre clinique est de l'aéroport d'Ercan. Tous les vols à destination de l'aéroport d'Ercan ne passent par l'une des villes en Turquie, il n'y a pas de vols directs. La route la plus directe dans Ercan serait de voler à travers Istanbul.

Une autre alternative est l'aéroport de Larnaca dans le sud. Il est situé à environ 60 km au sud de notre clinique, et prend environ une heure pour parcourir. Parfois, les vols à destination de Larnaca peut être beaucoup moins cher en fonction de la saison, donc vérifier les deux aéroports prendra tout son sens avant de réserver vos vols.


Monday, July 16, 2012


Hi Ahmet.
Just to let you know, I gave birth to twin boys, Ethan and Blake, on Friday 6th june.
Me and babies doing well and are all at home. Blake weighed 7lbs and Ethan weighed 6lbs 10oz.
I wanted to let you know as to say thankyou for everything you have done, and also could you please
thank everyone at the ivf clinic for making this happen. We will one day travel back to cyprus with both
children and show them where it all happened. I have attched a picture of both babies which I hope you
will receive, and pass on to clinic. Thanks again.

 A.J., United Kingdom


Friday, July 13, 2012

Repeated IVF Failures

IVF failures are one of the most depressing experiences a couple can go through in their IVF journey. Having experienced several failed attempts can be very depressing and frustrating, especially when there is no explanation provided for them. At North Cyprus IVF, we make sure our patients are thoroughly analyzed before attempting another IVF cycle so that some known possibilities can be ruled out. Once a couple go through the standard testing procedures and these tests are inconclusive of the factors of infertility, then additional factors need to be taken into consideration. Some of the possibilities which need to be taken into consideration are as follows:

Uterine infection
The inside of the uterine cavity is normally considered to be a sterile environment. It has been strongly suspected that infection of the uterine cavity with bacteria may cause an inhospitable environment that would lead to failure of embryos to implant. In cases where there is a reason to suspect a uterine infection, an endometrial biopsy procedure may be called for in order to make an effective assessment. Normally, infections can be treated with antibiotic use. There are also other infectious diseases that can be considered during this investigation such as CMV IgG, Chlamydia and more.

Immune factors as a cause for IVF implantation failure
The immune system is designed to protect individuals from infection with microorganisms and to fight off abnormal processes in the body like cancer. In the areas of IVF, infertility and recurrent pregnancy loss, there has been an extensive amount of investigation as to the role of immune factors in the implantation process of the embryos. In some cases, the immune system is believed to see the embryo as a foreign object and reject its implantation.

Thrombophilias are conditions that result in an increased chance for blood clotting. There have been many studies showing an association between the presence of thrombophilias in women and the risk for miscarriage. Some studies also indicate that thrombophilias can also be associated with implantation failures. Certain genetic tests help identify the existence of thrombophilias in the female partner.


Sunday, July 8, 2012

Did you know? Short FAQ about Sperm Quality

That foods high in zinc and selenium can have a positive effect on sperm quality?

Our medical team was recently in Istanbul, Turkey for the ESHRE Congress and came across new studies that show that foods high in these minerals will increase the sperm quality.

These foods include:

Veal Liver
Sesame Seeds
Dark Chocolate
Lobster and Crab


Saturday, July 7, 2012

Infertility Investigation

Infertility is often defined as inability to conceive naturally after trying for one year without any contraception. Women who are able to get pregnant but who are unable to carry pregnancy to full term are also considered to be infertile. About 10% of the US population, and around 9% of the European population between the ages of 15-44 have either difficulty conceiving or carrying pregnancy to full term.

Even though infertility is often perceived as a women's problem due to its direct link to pregnancy, female and male infertility have about the same level of prevalence within the society. About one-third of the causes of infertility are associated with female factor infertility and another one-third is associated with male factor infertility when the rest is either due to a combined male-female factor or unexplained infertility.

If you have been trying to get pregnant for the past one year and have not been able to get pregnant, then you might belong in either one of these groups. For partners who have not been successful at achieving pregnancy for a full year, a series of tests is in order. Infertility investigation works in a dual manner where both partners undergo a testing process. The starting point of infertility testing would be as follows:

- For male partner, a semen analysis is required. Krueger's semen analysis
provides information on sperm count, volume, motility, morphology and
a few more factors. This would be the starting point of infertility investigation.

- For female partner, hormone testing is in order. If the female partner has
regular menstrual periods, then hormone tests such as FSH, LH, Estradiol,
Prolactine and TSH. If the female partner is young, but does not have regular
menstrual periods, then apart from the hormone tests, further investigation
may be necessary to see into the ovarian function and the uterus. Irregular
periods could be due to Poly Cystic Ovarian Syndrome (PCOS) or any other

When standard hormone testing and sonogram investigations fail to provide an answer, more invasive testing process will be in order. Female partner might be required to have a hysteroscopy as well as certain infectious disease tests such as Chlamydia, CMV IgG and Toxoplasmosis.

When all the above testing processes fail to yield and answer, then thrombophilia defects and immune system problems are to be investigated. Especially for women with repeated miscarriages, thrombophilia is one of the main suspects.

Sometimes, patients who complete their first round of testing can be offered fertility treatment before attempting the more in-depth and invasive tests. This is simply because, the likelihood of belonging in the unexplained infertility group is very high and the expensive testing procedures can be very overwhelming. Therefore, before attempting these tests, an IVF treatment can be attempted first and if the result is negative, then further tests can be performed. In most cases, partners are able to achieve pregnancy without consulting the invasive testing processes.

At North Cyprus IVF, we take into consideration every single factor that can potentially be contributing to your infertility problems. When we ask you to have a series of tests, it is merely due to the fact that we are trying hard to make sure we are able to offer you the most effective type of treatment that is unique and suitable for your specific needs.
