Tuesday, September 24, 2013

La cryoconservation

La cryoconservation des ovocytes
Les progrès récents dans le dans le processus de fécondation in vitro ont permis d'assurer le succès congeler , stocker et décongeler plus tard et féconder des ovules humains cryoconservés . Cryoconservation des ovocytes s'adresse à trois groupes particuliers de femmes : les personnes atteintes d' un cancer qui n'ont pas encore commencé la chimiothérapie ou la radiothérapie , et ceux en cours de traitement avec les technologies de reproduction assistée qui ne considèrent pas la congélation des embryons une option , et ceux qui voudraient préserver leur capacité future d'avoir des enfants , soit parce qu'ils ne possèdent pas encore un partenaire , ne sont pas prêts à avoir un bébé encore, mais voudrait garder cette option pour l'avenir , ou pour d'autres raisons personnelles ou médicales . Le procédé de récupération d'oeuf pour la cryoconservation d'ovocytes est la même que celle pour la fécondation in vitro . Cela inclut plusieurs semaines d' injections d'hormones et à la contraception hormonale afin de stopper l'ovulation , suivie par plus d'injections d'hormones pour stimuler les ovaires et mûrir plusieurs ovules . Quand les oeufs ont mûri , hormone supplémentaire est donné et les oeufs sont enlevés avec une aiguille guidée par échographie par voie vaginale . La procédure est réalisée sous sédation . Les œufs sont immédiatement congelés . Ovules congelés peuvent être conservés aussi longtemps que le patient souhaite , mais cela doit être indiqué avec précision , sinon , les oeufs congelés qui ne sont pas utilisées dans un délai de deux ans sont déchargées.

La cryoconservation d'embryons
La cryoconservation d'embryons ( congélation des embryons ) est la congélation des embryons «excédentaires» pour une utilisation dans des cycles de FIV ultérieures. Cette option est souvent explorée par les couples en traitement de FIV où les embryons surnuméraires qui ne seront pas transférés dans l'utérus sont congelés pour une utilisation future si la tentative de FIV échoue. Même lorsque la tentative de FIV ne manque pas et le couple est capable de concevoir , les embryons congelés peuvent être utilisés pour la seconde grossesse. Le principal avantage de l'utilisation d'embryons cryoconservés dans les futurs cycles de FIV est que la femelle n'a pas à subir une induction de l'ovulation , ce qui réduit aussi considérablement les coûts des médicaments. Les taux de réussite sont variables en fonction des caractéristiques des patients et la qualité des embryons .
Cela pourrait aussi être une option pour les couples qui ne souhaitent pas tomber enceinte tout de suite mais je voudrais préparer leurs embryons à l'avance pour une utilisation future . De cette façon , ils peuvent éviter des taux de réussite inférieurs de conception à un âge avancé .

Cryoconservation du sperme
La congélation du sperme ( cryopréservation ) est une méthode utilisée pour les patients masculins qui suivent un traitement de chimiothérapie pour un cancer ou de maladies similaires . Cela permet au patient de conserver leur sperme pour une utilisation future et éviter les risques d'infertilité associés à la chimiothérapie .


Friday, September 20, 2013

Treatment Plan for IVF with PGD

Below is a typical treatment plan for IVF with PGD.
The dosage and medication is subject to individual hormone results and age.
Please contact us for further information - http://goo.gl/vUjGcY

Use of Medication
Additional Notes
Day 1 of Menstrual Period
Start taking 1 tablet of Pregnacare every day.
Please inform us
Day 2 of Menstrual Period
1) Femara tablets (one in the morning)

Day 3 of Menstrual Period
1) Femara tablets (one in the morning)
2) Gonal-F 300 i.u. in the morning.
3) Menopur 150 i.u. at night.

Day 4 of Menstrual Period
1) Femara tablets (one in the morning)
2) Gonal-F 300 i.u. in the morning.
3) Menopur 150 i.u. at night.

Day 5 of Menstrual Period
1) Femara tablets (one in the morning)
2) Gonal-F 300 i.u. in the morning.
3) Menopur 150 i.u. at night.

Day 6 of Menstrual Period
1) Femara tablets (one in the morning)
2) Gonal-F 300 i.u. in the morning.
3) Menopur 150 i.u. at night.

Day 7 of Menstrual Period
1)Gonal-F 300 i.u. in the morning.
2) Menopur 150i.u. at night.

First sonogram day. You will need to see your gynecologist for follicle tracking. We will need to know how many follicles exist in each ovary and what their sizes are.
Day 8 of Menstrual Period
1) Gonal-F 300 i.u. in the morning.
2) Menopur 150 i.u. at night.

Day 9 of Menstrual Period
1) Gonal-F 300i.u. in the morning.
2) Menopur 150 i.u. at night.
3) Cetrotide 0.25 mg injection (1 hour after Menopur injection)

Second sonogram day. You will need to see your gynecologist for follicle tracking. We will need to know how many follicles exist in each ovary and what their sizes are. You are more than likely to start using cetrotide today, based on the scan results.
Day 10 of Menstrual Period
1) Gonal-F 300 i.u. in the morning.
2) Menopur 150 i.u. at night.
3) Cetrotide 0.25 mg injection (1 hour after Menopur injection)

Day 11 of Menstrual Period
1) Gonal-F 300 i.u. in the morning.
2) Menopur 150 i.u. at night.
3) Cetrotide 0.25 mg injection (1 hour after Menopur injection)
You should refrain from all sexual activity from this point onward.
Day 12 of Menstrual Period
1) Gonal-F 300 i.u. in the morning.
2) Menopur 150 i.u. at night.
3) Cetrotide 0.25 mg injection (1 hour after Menopur injection)
Arrival in Cyprus.
Day 13 of Menstrual Period

Third sonogram. You are likey to have your trigger injection done later on in the day. You will spend about 3 hours at the clinic, until 1 PM.
Day 14 of Menstrual Period

Enjoy Cyprus!
Day 15 of Menstrual Period
1) Crinone gel 8% applied one in the morning and one at night.
Expected day of your egg retrieval. Your husband will provide his sample today. Nurses will explain how the crinone gel will be used. You will spend about 4 hours at the clinic in the morning (9.30 AM – 130 PM)
Day 16 of Menstrual Period
1) Crinone gel 8% applied one in the morning and one at night.

Day 17 of Menstrual Period
1) Crinone gel 8% applied one in the morning and one at night.

Day 18 of Menstrual Period
1) Crinone gel 8% applied one in the morning and one at night.

Day 19 of Menstrual Period
1) Crinone gel 8% applied one in the morning and one at night.

Day 20 of Menstrual Period
1) Crinone gel 8% applied one in the morning and one at night.
This is the expected day of embryo transfer. You will start using aspirin tablets immediately after the embryo transfer. You will spend about 3-4 hours at the clinic in the morning.


Thursday, September 12, 2013

Testimonial from Switzerland

We went to North Cyprus IVF in February 2013 . I am menopaused. The miracle happened: I got pregnat but unfortunalty only for 1 month: miscarriage. We want to say thank you to Amy for her efficiency. We have been impressed by the professionalism, the efficiency and the kindness of everybody at North Cyprus IVF! At each step of the process, everything was clearly explained and all our requests, questions have been answered. From the bottom of our heart big thanks to Mrs. Angie Ali, Dr. Savas Ozyigit, Dr. Idil Aslan and all the staff included Mr. Niasi, the driver. We recomend the clinic for its professionalism and compassionate environment. For the accomodation, we suggest the Golden Tulip hotel very close to the clinic.
ALI, Switzerland


Tuesday, September 10, 2013

Fertility Drugs

An IVF Medication cycle consists of different medications or fertility drugs that stimulate the body to promote pregnancy using IVF. The particulars of the cycle are decided by a specialist physician, below are some of the most widely used medications.

GnRH Agonists - Allow for improved control of ovarian stimulation during the administration of exogenous FSH. Exogenous FSH is given to stimulate ovarian follicle, followed by human chorionic gonadotropins (hCG) to trigger ovulation. Some GnRH agonists are: Buserelin, Leuprorelin, Nafarelin, Lupron (Prostap), Triptorelin, Decapeptyl and Synarel. Some are injected just under the skin others are applied as a nasal spray. They allow the body to produce a higher number of improved quality eggs during the treatment cycle. Midcycle hormonal surge caused by a cancellation of a cycle can also be minimised using these.

Antagonists - Cetrotide, Ganirelix and Antagon are IVF medications that are given by injection usually for three or four days they are antagonists of gonadotropin releasing hormones (GnRH) and are used to prevent premature ovulation.

Gonadotropin preparations - are medications that simulate the physiological effects of gonadotropins. They are taken as subcutaneous injections that provide stimulation to the follicles that contain the eggs during the stimulation phase. Gonal F, Menopur, Merional, Fostimon, Puregon, Bravelle, Follistim, Pergonal and Repronex are the most commonly used gonadotropins.

Human Chorionic Gonadotrophin (hCG) - The administration of hCG in the presence of one or more mature ovarian follicles can trigger ovulation to aid egg retrievel and it can also be used to stimulate the production of progesterone. The most commonly used hCGs are Pregnyl, Ovitrelle, Profasi and Novarel.

Prednisolone / Medrol - Generic name is Methylprednisolone and is a cortisteroid based hormone. It is normally given for a period of four days during the IVF cycle, to assist pre-embryo implantation.

Doxycycline - an antibiotic also know by the brand names Vibramycin, Monodox, Microdox, Periostat, Vibra-Tabs, Oracea, Doryx, Vibrox, Adoxa, Doxyhexal, Doxylin, Doxoral and Atridox. It is administered in pill form and is given to the male partner during the wife's stimulation IVF cycle to reduce the minute levels of bacteria found in the semen. This bacteria can compromise the performance and quality of the sperm during an IVF cycle. It is also sometimes given to the female to reduce the risk of infection following aspiration of the follicles during the egg retrieval period.

Progesterone - Natural Progesterone can be taken as a daily intramuscular injection called Gestone, starting two days after egg retrieval and continuing until the placenta is making adequate amounts of Progesterone. It can be given in the form of a pessary or suppository called Cyclogest. It is given in the dose of 400 mg twice daily rectally until embryo transfer and rectally or vaginally after embryo transfer. Progesterone can also be given in the form of a vaginal gel Crinone or Capsules called Utrogestan. It is essential to prepare the endometrium for implantation of an embryo, ovulation induction or sometimes to induce a period in a woman who hasn't ovulated.
Source - http://goo.gl/ICugOW


Thursday, September 5, 2013

Frequently Asked Questions

Is it legal to choose baby's sex?
Yes, as North Cyprus IVF clinic, we are able to offer gender selection IVF in line with the North Cyrus legal system. Even though gender selection is not allowed in most parts of Europe, having gender selection IVF treatment in North Cyprus is completely legal.

Is gender selection possible without IVF?
Yes, At North Cyprus IVF we are able to offer microsort with IUI (artificial insemination). Microsorting technologies allow for gender selection through IUI treatment. However, microsort is only about 75% accurate for a male child and about 90% accurate for a female child, therefore, combining microsort with PGD always results in a more accurate gender selection method.

Is there a 100% guarantee for success with gender selection IVF?
Even though there is no such thing as 100% in real-life sciences, we quote a 99% chance for accurate sex selection through PGD.

Can I use PGD for genetic screening?
Absolutely! PGD is not only for gender selection. With PGD testing, we can also screen for major genetic disorders associated with chromosomes X, Y, 13, 18 and 21 which are the causes of about 85% of all major genetic disorders.

Can I select the sex of my first child?
Even though at North Cyprus IVF, we recommend that gender selection is only performed for family balancing for second or third child, selecting the sex of your first child is also possible if you believe this is an appropriate family balancing act.

Do I still use medication for gender selection IVF even if I have no fertility problems?
Even if you have no fertility issues and you are able to conceive naturally, we will still need to put you on stimulation medication on order to obtain multiple eggs in the ovaries. This will allow us to fertilize multiple eggs, and perform the necessary genetic testing on them to identify the healthy embryos that are of appropriate sex for the embryo transfer.

What happens to the embryos that are unused?
You have the choice of freezing any unused embryos for future use. If you wish not to freeze them, the embryos are disposed.


Monday, September 2, 2013

Another Sweet Review

Dear North Cyprus IVF, 

Couldn't wait another 2 weeks to see my beautiful baby. So had a cheeky scan she is healthy with a perfect heartbeat and the boys loved seeing her! She was waving and kicking her legs. 

Thank you so much for giving me my baby girl.
