Friday, September 20, 2013

Treatment Plan for IVF with PGD

Below is a typical treatment plan for IVF with PGD.
The dosage and medication is subject to individual hormone results and age.
Please contact us for further information -

Use of Medication
Additional Notes
Day 1 of Menstrual Period
Start taking 1 tablet of Pregnacare every day.
Please inform us
Day 2 of Menstrual Period
1) Femara tablets (one in the morning)

Day 3 of Menstrual Period
1) Femara tablets (one in the morning)
2) Gonal-F 300 i.u. in the morning.
3) Menopur 150 i.u. at night.

Day 4 of Menstrual Period
1) Femara tablets (one in the morning)
2) Gonal-F 300 i.u. in the morning.
3) Menopur 150 i.u. at night.

Day 5 of Menstrual Period
1) Femara tablets (one in the morning)
2) Gonal-F 300 i.u. in the morning.
3) Menopur 150 i.u. at night.

Day 6 of Menstrual Period
1) Femara tablets (one in the morning)
2) Gonal-F 300 i.u. in the morning.
3) Menopur 150 i.u. at night.

Day 7 of Menstrual Period
1)Gonal-F 300 i.u. in the morning.
2) Menopur 150i.u. at night.

First sonogram day. You will need to see your gynecologist for follicle tracking. We will need to know how many follicles exist in each ovary and what their sizes are.
Day 8 of Menstrual Period
1) Gonal-F 300 i.u. in the morning.
2) Menopur 150 i.u. at night.

Day 9 of Menstrual Period
1) Gonal-F 300i.u. in the morning.
2) Menopur 150 i.u. at night.
3) Cetrotide 0.25 mg injection (1 hour after Menopur injection)

Second sonogram day. You will need to see your gynecologist for follicle tracking. We will need to know how many follicles exist in each ovary and what their sizes are. You are more than likely to start using cetrotide today, based on the scan results.
Day 10 of Menstrual Period
1) Gonal-F 300 i.u. in the morning.
2) Menopur 150 i.u. at night.
3) Cetrotide 0.25 mg injection (1 hour after Menopur injection)

Day 11 of Menstrual Period
1) Gonal-F 300 i.u. in the morning.
2) Menopur 150 i.u. at night.
3) Cetrotide 0.25 mg injection (1 hour after Menopur injection)
You should refrain from all sexual activity from this point onward.
Day 12 of Menstrual Period
1) Gonal-F 300 i.u. in the morning.
2) Menopur 150 i.u. at night.
3) Cetrotide 0.25 mg injection (1 hour after Menopur injection)
Arrival in Cyprus.
Day 13 of Menstrual Period

Third sonogram. You are likey to have your trigger injection done later on in the day. You will spend about 3 hours at the clinic, until 1 PM.
Day 14 of Menstrual Period

Enjoy Cyprus!
Day 15 of Menstrual Period
1) Crinone gel 8% applied one in the morning and one at night.
Expected day of your egg retrieval. Your husband will provide his sample today. Nurses will explain how the crinone gel will be used. You will spend about 4 hours at the clinic in the morning (9.30 AM – 130 PM)
Day 16 of Menstrual Period
1) Crinone gel 8% applied one in the morning and one at night.

Day 17 of Menstrual Period
1) Crinone gel 8% applied one in the morning and one at night.

Day 18 of Menstrual Period
1) Crinone gel 8% applied one in the morning and one at night.

Day 19 of Menstrual Period
1) Crinone gel 8% applied one in the morning and one at night.

Day 20 of Menstrual Period
1) Crinone gel 8% applied one in the morning and one at night.
This is the expected day of embryo transfer. You will start using aspirin tablets immediately after the embryo transfer. You will spend about 3-4 hours at the clinic in the morning.

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