Thursday, September 5, 2013

Frequently Asked Questions

Is it legal to choose baby's sex?
Yes, as North Cyprus IVF clinic, we are able to offer gender selection IVF in line with the North Cyrus legal system. Even though gender selection is not allowed in most parts of Europe, having gender selection IVF treatment in North Cyprus is completely legal.

Is gender selection possible without IVF?
Yes, At North Cyprus IVF we are able to offer microsort with IUI (artificial insemination). Microsorting technologies allow for gender selection through IUI treatment. However, microsort is only about 75% accurate for a male child and about 90% accurate for a female child, therefore, combining microsort with PGD always results in a more accurate gender selection method.

Is there a 100% guarantee for success with gender selection IVF?
Even though there is no such thing as 100% in real-life sciences, we quote a 99% chance for accurate sex selection through PGD.

Can I use PGD for genetic screening?
Absolutely! PGD is not only for gender selection. With PGD testing, we can also screen for major genetic disorders associated with chromosomes X, Y, 13, 18 and 21 which are the causes of about 85% of all major genetic disorders.

Can I select the sex of my first child?
Even though at North Cyprus IVF, we recommend that gender selection is only performed for family balancing for second or third child, selecting the sex of your first child is also possible if you believe this is an appropriate family balancing act.

Do I still use medication for gender selection IVF even if I have no fertility problems?
Even if you have no fertility issues and you are able to conceive naturally, we will still need to put you on stimulation medication on order to obtain multiple eggs in the ovaries. This will allow us to fertilize multiple eggs, and perform the necessary genetic testing on them to identify the healthy embryos that are of appropriate sex for the embryo transfer.

What happens to the embryos that are unused?
You have the choice of freezing any unused embryos for future use. If you wish not to freeze them, the embryos are disposed.

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