Saturday, October 22, 2011

The Truth About our Egg Donors

Over the last few months it has come to our attention that there has been some controversy over our egg donor lists and available donors.

First and foremost, it is important to note that if there are women who are planning to cycle around the same time and their physical characteristics are similar, they will be offered the same list of donors. Depending on the recipient that chooses first, the donor is then assigned to that individual and the women who have been offered the same donors are notified.

It is very difficult for our team to provide donors 2-3 months in advance for the fact that at any given point in time, a donor can decide to stop with the treatment and  egg donation. If this happens then the recipient is left hanging and the cycle needs to be abandoned.

Our preferred way to deal with our egg donation patients and their donors is to coordinate and synchronize them shortly before the recipient menstrual cycle starts.
We also ask that you send a photo of yourself along with the application form so we can do our best to find the best match for you.
We are aware that this may seem  last minute however it is the best and most accurate way to get the closest donor match.

There are times when frozen eggs are used however the patient is fully aware and accepting of this. We do not do shared cycles unless it is discussed and agreed in advance.

As there are many accredited Universities in Northern Cyprus, there are many young women who are enrolling to donate, donating and cycling on a regular basis.

One of the most important factors when choosing a clinic for your Egg Donation Treatment is TRUST, especially with anonymous donation.

North Cyprus IVF Center is ISO 9001 Certified which means we are constantly reviewed and evaluated to make sure that International Standards are met.

Dr. Savas Ozyigit and our team pride ourselves on working ethically towards a common goal which is to help you conceive.

Please do not hesitate to contact us if you have any questions, comment or concerns.

We also have past patients who would be happy to act as a reference and share their experiences with you.

1 comment:

  1. Egg donation is a process that allows women to donate their eggs to infertile women. This procedure also allows infertile women to have children of their own.

    Egg Donor
