Friday, November 15, 2013

Gender Selection Options

We do have alternative gender selection treatment options at our clinic, but when it comes to gender selection, a few factors are very important when determining which type of treatment will be more suited to your needs. These are mainly  the age of the female patienthormone levels to be measured at a certain time during a menstrual cycle, and the husband's semen analysis results.

The hormone profile of the female patient is most important when making an assessment of the ovarian reserve and the remaining egg quality. As age gets older, the ovarian reserves also tend to diminish at a faster pace and this affects the quality of the oocytes accordingly. Therefore, if we know exactly what type of a reserve we are looking at, we can optimize the outcome of a treatment cycle by carefully calculating the dose of medication to be administered.

There are three different types of gender selection methods offered at our clinic:

1- MicroSort IUI – Least invasive of all gender selection treatments. This is mostly offered to couples in their 20s. The male partner’s semen sample is sorted into X and Y bearing cells and the appropriate batch is injected intra-uterine for pregnancy with the child of desired sex. However, there are a few points that you should know about this procedure:
- The sort mechanism only works when the sperm concentration is more than 70 million/ml in the ejaculate. Otherwise, results are less accurate.
- MicroSort provides 90% accurate results for a girl and 80% for a boy. Therefore, it is not a 100% accurate method of gender selection.
- MicroSort is used alongside with IUI, which is the least invasive method of assisted reproduction. Success chances with IUI treatment are always much lower compared to IVF treatments.

2- IVF with PGD: Alternatively, there is a PGD option (Pre-implantation genetic diagnosis) which is a genetic testing procedure done once the embryos are created. It allows us to identify the gender with 99.9% accuracy as well as screening for most common genetic disorders, making sure your baby does not possess a serious genetic condition. If the female patient is younger than 35 years of age and has a hormone profile in line with her age, then this method is usually the ideal method for gender selection.

3. MicroSort IVF with PGD: One other alternative is to combine the two methods. Combination of the two methods is usually recommended for patients older than 35 years of age with diminished ovarian reserves. If the husband's sperm concentration is within acceptable standards, then MicroSorting the sperm makes sure that most of the eggs will be fertilized into embryos of desired sex. Further PGD testing will provide a 99.9% accuracy and will also make sure that the embryos that will be transferred are free of major genetic disorders. If the female patient has only a few eggs to work with, this method will make sure we will be able to find an embryo or two that is of desired sex with the prior MicroSort intervention.

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