Thursday, May 30, 2013

Microsort in North Cyprus

Microsort is a pre-conception sperm sorting technology developed by Genetics and IVF Institute of the United States. The technology became available through a clinical study where sperm was sorted into those that primarily produce girls and those that primarily produce boys. Through a series of studies, microsort was found to be 90% effective in gender selection for a girl and about 75% effective for gender selection for a boy. Microsort became available in Mexico first.

North Cyprus IVF clinic is proud to announce that Cyprus is going to be the second location in the world to offer Microsort, the pre-conception sperm sorting technology for gender selection for family balancing purposes. Microsort will be available through artificial insemination (IUI), through IVF and through IVF with PGD.

If the sperm separated through microsort is used in IVF treatment, the probability of having a female or a male child will be around 90% and 75% respectively. If microsort is coupled with PGD (pre-implantation genetic diagnosis) where the embryos formed after microsort are subjected to genetic screening both for gender and for certain genetic diseases. Using the two gender selection methods together both enable obtaining a good number of embryos of desired sex as well as screening for further genetic diseases and making sure almost 100% that the procedure will result in a pregnancy with a baby of desired sex.

As North Cyprus IVF, we continue to bring you the latest technology and highest standards in IVF treatment. Our difference is our success rates!


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