Monday, May 21, 2012

Tips for IVF Success

Even though each IVF treatment is different in itself, there are a number of measures that can be taken in order to maximize your chances of success. In some cases, things that might sound small could make a world of difference in IVF treatment. So let’s be on the safe side and do our part:

1- INITIAL SCAN: Have an ultrasound scan at your gynecologist’s office. This is to make sure there are no fibroids, polyps or free fluids in the uterus that could jeopardize your chances of success. Also, women who are not undergoing egg donor IVF treatment should make sure there are no cysts in the ovaries that could potentially affect their egg count/quality.

2- INVESTIGATION: If you have previously had repeated miscarriages (with or without IVF), it makes sense to investigate the cause. In most cases where women have repeated miscarriages, there is a genetic reason behind it. Some gene mutations affect your blood circulation and cause you to have a miscarriage (especially up to 12 weeks). These genetic tests include testing for mutations in MTHFR C677T, MTHFR A1298C, Factor V Leiden (G1691A), Factor II (G20210A), and PAI I 4G/5G. Similarly, women with repeated IVF failures should seek further investigation.

3- VITAMINS: It is important that your take essential vitamins and nutrients prior to and during pregnancy. A supplement such as “pregnacare” includes Folic Acid, B6, B12 and Zinc supplements, which are proven to reduce the likelihood of a miscarriage and support healthy development of your baby. It makes sense to start using such a supplement at least a few weeks prior to your embryo transfer stage. Vitamin C taken at certain doses has also proved effective in increasing egg quality according to various clinical studies.

4- HORMONE TESTING: For women undergoing IVF treatment using their own eggs, it is important that certain hormone tests are done prior to using any IVF medication. These hormone tests include:
FSH, LH, Estradiol Prolactine and TSH. For women over 35, AMH test will also be an important consideration. Based on these hormone test results, we will be able to assess your ovarian reserves and egg quality. Also, it these results will be important in identifying your treatment protocol and the dose of medication that needs to be administered.

5- IVF FAILURES: For patients who have had several failed IVF attempts, with no history of pregnancy, it makes sense to have an endometrial biopsy around days 18-21 of menstrual period. An endometrial biopsy will tell whether there is any condition that might prevent implantation and a successful pregnancy. There are also other infections that need to be checked for in this case.

6- INFECTIOUS DISEASES: Prior to embryo transfer, it is vital that certain infectious disease tests are done on both parents. The purpose of these tests is to make sure the newborn does not receive any infection from his/her parents. Some of these test are routine tests, which most of you do not have, such as Anti-HIV, Anti-HCV. These can be done at our clinic prior to embryo transfer. However, some other test results, such ac CMV IgG and Chlamidia might require the use of antibiotics for a certain amount of time prior to emrbyo transfer, therefore, it is important for the female patient to have tested for CMV IgG and Chlamidia once the IVF decision has been made.

7- AVOID STRESS: One of the biggest enemies of IVF treatment is stress. Avoid stress as much as you can when going through IVF treatment. You can take up yoga classes, or join the gym or start a book club, anything that will help you avoid stress will add a couple of percentages to your chances of success.

1 comment:

  1. IVF treatment is a certified procedure to have test tube baby for those couples who have infertility problems. Before IVF treatment the patient must warm up to ideas to increased bodily surveillance and also tricks like self-injecting oneself to achieve good results.

    IVF Cost
