Saturday, March 31, 2012

Gender Selection (PGD/MicroSort) Questions

Why do I need to get hormone tests done if I already have children?
The hormone tests are requested in order for the Dr. to better understand the quality and quantity of eggs and provide a personalized and detailed treatment for each individual patient.

Why do I need to have an ultrasound before I begin treatment?
The ultrasound is requested in order to make sure there are no ovarian cysts, polyps or anything else that might stand in the way of a successful IVF cycle.

What is the difference between Microsort and PGD?
Microsort is a pre-fertilization gender selection method which is used to sort sperm into male and female producing cells. It is about 80% accurate for selection of a boy and 90% accurate for selection of a girl. This way, we can make sure majority of your embryos to be fertilized will be of desired sex.
PGD, on the other hand, is a post-fertilization gender selection method where the embryos that are fertilized are subjected to a genetic analysis for sex selection. Even though PGD provides 99.9% accuracy for gender selection, and it also tests for majority of possible genetic disorders, making sure your child does not have them, it cannot guarantee that majority of your embryos will turn out to be of desired sex.
The best gender selection method is to combine microsort with PGD so that you can be sure that you will have a number of embryos which are of desired sex, anda re free of most genetic conditions.

What is the HCG trigger injection for?
This shot is for women who are using their own eggs and it helps release the mature eggs from the follicles and is usually done 35 hours before egg collection. It is the final step in assisting the maturation process and ensure the eggs are released from the follicles.
This is generally done in Cyprus but can be done before traveling in order to shortent the stay.

What does Gonal F do?
This is a follicle stimulating hormone (FSH) to help increase the number of growing follicles and their development. The dosage will be prescribed based on the inital hormone test results and varies from individual to individual. This is in fact one of the reasons this test is prescribed prior to starting treatment even if the patient has no infertility issues and has conceived children successfully before.

What does Menopur do?
Menopur is also used for follicle growth and development and contains follicle stimulating hormone as well as luteinising hormone (LH). This is a combination we prefer for women older than 35 years of age as quite a large number of studies, and our experience, suggest that LH can be a good supplement for optimizing egg quality for women over 35 years of age.

Can I travel with the injections?
The injections will need to be checked in with your luggage but there should be no problems traveling with them.

Do we have to use the accommodation offered in your packages?
Some patients decide they would prefer to select their own accommodation which is no problem for us. If you would like to still take advantage of the free ground transfers however, it is preferable that your hotel be in Nicosia (Lefkosa) North Cyprus.

Why do I need to have scans during medication use?
The scans for Egg Donation patients are requested in order to make sure that the lining of the womb is ready for the embryo transfer.
The scans for women using their own eggs (IVF with ICSI and Gender Selection/PGD) is to ensure the follicles are developing well before egg collection.
It is important to let us know the results of the scans so that we can adjust your treatment schedule and medication intake if necessary.

How are the injections done?
The Gonal F injections should be done subcutaneously either in the abdomen/stomach area, naval area or upper thigh where there is excess skin and fatty tissues. It is recommended to vary the injection site.
Please watch the videos below for preparing and administering the medication.

When are the eggs collected?
The eggs are generally collected on day 15 of the cycle after an ultrasound and the trigger injection.

When is the embryo transferred?
We usually prefer to transfer embryos on day 18 of menstrual period, which is the best implantation window. However, days 17-20 are acceptable embryo transfer dates. If patients are undergoing PGD analysis, then the transfer is delayed by 2 days until the embryos reach the blastocyst stage and are transferred on day 20. This of course might vary from patient to patient. We can transfer up to 3 embryos at our clinic.

What chromosomes are examined with PGD?
During the PGD biopsy we test chromosomes X, Y, 13, 18 and 21 which are causes of close to 90% of abnormalities.

What happens if we have left over embryos?
Many patients will choose to freeze the embryos in case they need it in the future, other patients will ask for the remaining embryos to be destroyed or used during our clinical studies so we can keep offering you the highest quality service through our own research and clinical studies.

When do I do the pregnancy test?
The pregnancy blood test is suggested 12 days after the embryo transfer.

What happens after a positive pregnancy result?
After a positive result you will continue to take medication for 11 weeks after the embryo transfer. Normally this will be Crinone Gel (Progesterone) and Aspirin. Prenatal vitamin supplements can be used for the entire pregnancy term.

Wednesday, March 28, 2012

Egg Donation (Donor Egg IVF) Questions

1- Who is a good candidate for egg (oocyte) donor IVF?
Women with severely depleted ovarian reserves, women with highly elevated FSH, women in early menopause or with removed ovaries and women who have been subjected to cancer treatment are all candidates for egg donor IVF. In general, egg donation is for women who are not able to produce any eggs that are viable for fertilization.

2- Who are your egg donors?
At North Cyprus IVF, our egg donors are predominantly composed of international university students aged between 20-25.

3- How are egg donors screened?
Our egg donors undergo a very strict screening process. First, there is a psychological consultation where egg donors' mental status are assessed. If an egg donor is found mentally fit, then there is a background check of family medical history. Once the medical history is assessed, then comes infectious diseases testing, CBC analysis and hormone testing for an assessment of ovarian reserves and egg quality. Only donors who are non-smokers and with healthy BMIs are admitted into our program.

4- Do I get to pick my own donor?
Absolutely! You will need to provide us with your menstrual period information, you and your husband's blood types and your physical features so that we can narrow list our potential donors and send you a list of profiles. However, for anonymity purposes, we are not able to share pictures or any contact information.

5- What are your success rates for egg donor IVF?
Our overall success rate including all age groups for egg donation in 2011 was 72.8%. For more information on our success rates, please view our success statistics for 2011.

6- How many egg donation cycles do you perform in a given year?
On average, we perform about 350-400 egg donor IVF cycles.

7- What is the cost of egg donor IVF at North Cyprus IVF Clinic?
For most accurate cost information for egg donation including our accommodation packages, please contact us using the contact form.

Saturday, March 24, 2012

PGD testing for Genetic Disorders

PGD (Pre-implantation Genetic Diagnosis) technology improves the likelihood of a successful pregnancy and birth for two distinctly different groups of patients. Couples with infertility related to recurrent miscarriage or unsuccessful IVF cycles and couples who are at risk for passing on inherited genetic disease to their offspring.

PGD genetic diagnosis is performed as a part of an In Vitro Fertilization cycle where multiple eggs are produced, retrieved from the ovaries and fertilized with the husband's sperm in the Embryology Laboratory. IVF is necessary to give us access to the embryo in vitro. At their earliest stage of development, one or two cells are removed from each embryo through a procedure called embryo biopsy. These cells are analyzed in the PGD Laboratory to determine which embryos are free of genetic abnormalities. This sophisticated and technologically advanced testing identifies which embryos are free of abnormalities and more able to achieve the patient's goal of a healthy baby. PGD can screen for genetic disorders in chromosomes X, Y, 13, 18 and 21, which make up for about 85% of all major genetic conditions such as Down's syndrome, Tay Sachs and klinefelter's syndrome and many more.

PGD tetsing is also an option when patients require screening for a specific genetic disorder. When the gene that carries the genetic disorder is identified, single gene analysis can be performed in order to screen for the specific disorder. A special PGD probe can be built for this purpose as long as the specific cause of the genetic condition has been identified.

PGD genetic testing is also an option when families would like to select the gender of their baby for family balancing purposes. The embryo biopsy will not only allow us to select embryos that are free of genetic abnormalities, but will also allow us to determine the sex of the embryos. Once PGD is performed, the chance of having a baby of desired sex is very close to 100% once pregnancy is achieved. This process is also known as gender selection (sex selection) IVF.

PGD works very much like conventional IVF. The only difference is; embryos that are formed in the laboratory are subjected to a biopsy and a series of genetic tests before transferred into the uterus. Patients undergoing IVF + PGD treatment are required to provide the same information as requested in conventional IVF. (See the "Required Tests" section for required tests).

Also see our "Gender Selection" section for performing PGD for selection of the sex of the baby for family balancing reasons.

Saturday, March 17, 2012

MikroSort TRNC

MikroSort TRNC ...
Die effektivsten Methoden der Wahl des Geschlechts von der Welt und das ist einer der erfolgreichsten MikroSort die WeltZypern IVF-Zentrum an der zweiten Zentrum, als Ausgangspunkt dienen jetzt. IVF undBei dieser Methode, die von Institut für Genetik in Mexiko entwickelt wurde, wurde zum ersten Mal in der Welt geöffnet,und erfolgreich überlebt haben. Als zweites Zentrum in der Welt zur Durchführung dieses VerfahrensWir sind stolz darauf.
MikroSort, Trennung der Eizelle mit dem Samen von männlichen und weiblichen-produzierenden Zellen vor der VerschmelzungEin Verfahren zum Ermöglichen der Auswahl des Geschlechts.Diese Methode der Wahl 80% der männlichen Baby, baby girlbieten eine 90% Erfolg bei der Auswahl. Ein Merkmal dieser Methode, IVF-Behandlung mitproblemlos auf, sowie in Kombination mit der Impfung Behandlung enthalten. Gerade bei jugendlichenPatienten und Medikamenten für die Behandlung Protokoll von IVF-Patientinnen, die vermeiden wollen,durch eine Impfung möglich sein kann, Gender-Auswahl zu treffen.
Es ist bekannt werden muss, weil es nicht allein führen MikroSort 100%, wird in Verbindung mit PID angewendetwürde auf die wirksamste Zeit führen. MikroSort Anwendung, fortgeschrittenes Alter und verminderte Ei ReserveFrauen ist ein Verfahren zu implementieren. Auf diese Weise wurde die resultierende EibefruchtungBei 80-90% von ihnen sind garantiert, um das gewünschte Geschlecht des Embryos haben. PGDmit einer Analyse der 100% Geschlecht und genetische Diagnostik durch Auswahl des gewünschten Geschlechts, sowieEmbryonen können ohne größere genetische Schäden übertragen werden.
Wo soll ich anfangen?
Für eine Frau die erste Phase der trans-vaginalen Ultraschalluntersuchung jinekologuna schlagen sie los.Evaluation in dieser Untersuchung die Eierstöcke durchgeführt, es besteht bereits eine Zystenbildung überwacht.Darüber hinaus sollten Einrichtungen, wie Myome oder Polypen im Uterus konsultiert werden. Wenn diese gynäkologischeneine Untersuchung des Problems zu beobachten, die zweite Stufe, sind Hormon-Tests durchgeführt.Eine Frau, die Menstruation regelmäßig, ist Ihre Periode 2 Oder 3Immer mehr einfache Arztes Daymit einem Bluttest, FSH, sollte LH, Östradiol und Prolaktin Hormon haben ihre Werte. DiesWerte geben uns Aufschluss über die Qualität von Eiern und Eiprodukten Reserve.
Paaren gleichzeitig durch ein Verfahren der Behandlung eines Infektionskrankheitenarrangiert für einen Anspruch. Das Ziel dieser Neugeborenen mit Infektionskrankheiten, die von entstehenverhindern, dass die Passage.
Diese Tests sind:
Für Frauen
Rubella IgG
Für Männer
Zu den notwendigen Medikamenten zu versorgen
Charts der Patienten mit den Vorschriften der gesamten Anlage per E-Mail behandeltgonderebilmekteyiz, kaufen, welche Menge an Medikamenten, die empfangen werden müssen, so dasswir vorausgesagt. Wenn gewünscht, haben wir die genaue gorusebilir Apotheker, und die notwendigekann Anweisungen geben. Meine Patienten kommen aus Amerika und Europa InternetSpaß mit Arrangements können alles an Medikamenten notwendig Apotheke:
Verantwortlich für: Bushra Sheikh
Die erste Phase der Behandlung ist das Medikament, so dass es bereits bei der Sicherstellung aufgehalten haben könnteBoden führt, Zypern, 5-6 Tage? müssen rüberkommen.
Der Drogenkonsum
Um gebrauchte Nadeln sein, werden Nadeln unter die Haut gemacht. Insbesondere die Verwendung des Arzneimittels Gonal-FDetaillierte Informationen zu Videos ansehen:
Ankunft Zypern,
Unsere Klinik ist im Norden Zyperns in Nikosia. Um nach Zypern reisen,Der einfachste Weg nach Nikosia mit direkten Flügen zum Flughafen Ercan in einigen Provinzenum zu fliegen. PATIENTEN Istanbul von Ercan nach Europa und Amerika in Verbindung mitFliegen Sie zum Flughafen.
Angeboten werden drei Alternativen:
Gender Auswahl und neue Gästehaus mit 1a-MikroSort IVF - vom Flughafenaus dem lokalen Zugriff auf Ihre Ankunft, alle viziteleriniz Klinik, abgehalten werdenWährend die Umsätze in Zypern eingesetzt werden, und Progesteron Beilagen und Aspirin als PaketIch biete einen Wert von 3,650 €. 4 Schlafzimmer Villa Misafirhanemiz. Villa8 Uhr morgens, am Abend gibt es fünf Stunden zwischen dem Reinigungspersonal.
IVF und PID Geschlecht Auswahl und MikroSort 1b-Hotel-Einheit mit Unterkunft -Lokaler Zugriff auf Ihre Ankunft vom Flughafen entfernt, alle viziteleriniz Klinik,Die Operationen und Aspirin, und Progesteron Ergänzungen verwendet werden, während in ZypernEine Figur wird als ein Paket von 6,150 € vorgestellt. 4 Schlafzimmer Villa Misafirhanemiz.Villa 8 Uhr morgens, am Abend gibt es fünf Stunden zwischen dem Reinigungspersonal.
1c-IVF mit PID-Methode (MikroSort verwendet wird) in der Behandlung von Gender-Auswahlund Pension Unterkunft - von der lokalen Zugriff auf Ihre Ankunft zum Flughafen,alle viziteleriniz Klinik, und in Zypern Die Operationen verwendet werden, währendProgesteron Beilagen und Aspirin als Paket in einem Wert von 5,150 €vorgestellt. 4 Schlafzimmer Villa Misafirhanemiz. Villa 8 Uhr morgens, abends, 5 StundenEs gibt unter den Zimmermädchen.
Verschiedene Hotelkategorien, ist das Lohngefälle zur Verfügung.

Friday, March 16, 2012

Female Infertility Problem

A couple is considered to be infertile if:
- If the couple has not been able to achieve pregnancy after trying for a year without the use of any contraceptives if the female partner is 35 years old or younger
- If the couple has not been able to conceive after trying for six months without the use of any contraception if the female partner is above the age of 35. The difference between the two categories of women rests in the fact that ovarian reserves and egg quality tend to diminish rapidly after the age of 35.
-the female is incapable of carrying a pregnancy to full term even if pregnancy is achieved initially.

What are the causes of infertility in women? 
Ovulation problems make up for most cases of infertility in women. When there is no ovulation, then there are no eggs that can be fertilized. Some signs that a woman is not ovulating normally include irregular or absent menstrual periods.

Less common causes of fertility problems in women include:
- blocked fallopian tubes due to pelvic inflammatory disease, endometriosis, or surgery for a previous ectopic pregnancy
- physical problems with the uterus, cervical weakness and adhesion in the uterus.
- uterine fibroids, polyps and free fluids.

Which factors increase a woman's risk of infertility?
Many things can affect a woman's ability to have a baby. These include:
- age. With age, ovarian reserves and egg quality tend to diminish highly.
- Stress factors
- poor diet that results in inadequate receipt of the essential nutrients
- athletic training
- being overweight or underweight
- excessive tobacco consumption
- excessive alcohol consumption
- sexually transmitted and infectious diseases
- any factor that contributes to hormonal imbalances.

How does age affect a woman's ability to have children?
More and more women are waiting until their 30s and 40s to have children. Actually, about 20 percent of women in the United States now have their first child after age 35. So age is an increasingly common cause of fertility problems. About one third of couples in which the woman is over 35 have fertility problems. Aging decreases a woman's chances of having a baby in the following ways:
- The ability of a woman's ovaries to release eggs ready for fertilization declines with age.
- The health of a woman's eggs declines with age.
- As a woman ages she is more likely to have health problems that can interfere with fertility.
- As a women ages, her risk of having a miscarriage increases. 

How long should women try to get pregnant before calling their doctors?
Most healthy women under the age of 30 shouldn't worry about infertility unless they've been trying to get pregnant for at least a year. At this point, women should talk to their doctors about a fertility evaluation. Men should also talk to their doctors if this much time has passed.
In some cases, women should talk to their doctors sooner. Women in their 30s who've been trying to get pregnant for six months should speak to their doctors as soon as possible. A woman's chances of having a baby decrease rapidly every year after the age of 30. So getting a complete and timely fertility evaluation is especially important.
Some health issues also increase the risk of fertility problems. So women with the following issues should speak to their doctors as soon as possible:
- irregular periods or no menstrual periods
- very painful periods
- endometriosis
- pelvic inflammatory disease
- more than one miscarriage
No matter how old you are, it's always a good idea to talk to a doctor before you start trying to get pregnant. Doctors can help you prepare your body for a healthy baby. They can also answer questions on fertility and give tips on conceiving.

Wednesday, March 14, 2012

Steps in IVF Treatment - North Cyprus IVF Clinic

Step 1: Making the call.
This is perhaps the most difficult stage of your treatment. Making the right decision necessitates having the right information. This website aims to provide you with the right information so that you can make an informed decision about handling your fertility treatment.

Step 2: Initial Consultation and Screening Tests.
Once you make the decision to proceed, we guide you through the initial screening process, which involves a series of testing and diagnosis in order to choose the right treatment option.

Step 3: Medication Stage
Before you make a trip down to our clinic in Cyprus, we give you a detailed chart of treatment protocol in which we specify what needs to be done on a daily basis and which medication to take. This ensures that you are biologically ready for your embryo transfer stage.

Step 4: Coming to Cyprus
At this point, you have gone through your medication stage and prepared for the rest of your treatment. In regular IVF and sperm donation IVF cases, this is when your eggs are fully developed and ready for retrieval. In egg donation IVF cases, this is when donor's eggs are ready for retrieval.

Step 5: Egg Retrieval
Once the eggs are fully developed, they are ready for retrieval. You (or the donor) will be sedated for this process. A scan probe is passed through the vagina and into the ovary under ultrasound guidance; the fluid from each follicle, which contains the egg, is extracted. It is usual to obtain an egg from about 80% of follicles.

Step 6: Fertilization
The retrieved eggs are fertilized with the sperm to be obtained from the male patient (or the sperm donor). After about 48 - 72 hours from egg collection, the embryos will usually consist of four to eight cells each, and are now ready for placement into the woman’s uterus.

Step 7: Embryo Transfer
Using a vaginal speculum, the cervix is exposed, which is then cleaned. The culture medium containing the embryos is loaded in a catheter with a syringe on one end. The doctor carefully guides the catheter through the vagina and cervix, and deposits the embryos into the uterus. Implantation begins three - four days later.

Step 8: Pregnancy
After about 12 days of the embryo transfer, we request that you get a blood test done for beta hCG, which is the pregnancy hormone which elevates during pregnancy. A beta hCG under 5 mIU/ml indicates that you are not pregnant. A level between 5 - 25 mIU/ml indicates possible pregnancy, which we advise to test again in a couple of days. A level higher than 25 mIU/ml indicates pregnancy.

Step 9: Follow Up
Once you get the good news, you simply dial the phone and let us know. Share the joy :)

Wednesday, March 7, 2012



Name& Surname: Savas Ozyigit
Title: Gynecologist-Surgeon, IVF Specialist,
Managing director of North Cyprus IVF and Genetics Institute
Date of Birth: 12/07/1945
Contact Address: North Cyprus IVF and Genetics Institue,
143 Bedrettin Demirel Avenue Kumsal / Nicosia
Phone: 0 392 227 93 42
Fax: 0 392 228 78 33
Language Spoken: Turkish, English, Greek.


Faculty: University of Ankara Faculty of Medicine- Turkey 1967 - 1971- Medical Doctor
Speciality: University of Hacettepe Faculty of Medicine, Department of Gynecology and Obstetrics- Turkey 1971- 1973 Gynecologist-Surgeon.


Worked as an assistant Gynecologist at University of Hacettepe
Worked as a Gynocologist at Burhan Nalbantoğlu Public Hospital
Worked as a Chief Executive Gynelolgist between, Chief of Obstetrics and Gynecology
Retired from Public hospital in 19--- since working as managing director of North Cyprus IVF and Genetic Institue.


-Certificate in Prenatal Diagnosis: Worked with Dr Giovanni Monni learned tecniques of transabdominal chorionic villus sampling, amniocentesis, cordocentesis and practised doppler velocimetry between 1Februar- 30March 1991 at Ospedale Regionale Per Le Microcitemie Cagliari- Italy
-Worked with Professor C. H. Rodeck at University College of Middlesex School of Medicine between 1- 28 October 1992
-IVF Treatments and Applications Certificate: Attended ovulation induction, folliculometry, oocyte aspiration, embryo transfer applications at Dr. Pakize Tarzi Assisted Reproduction Centre between 15/05/2000- 30/05/2000 and 15/08/2000- 15/09/2000
-Worked with Professor Kypros Nicolaides at King’s College Hospital Harris Birthright Research Center For Fetal Medicine between 1-15 October 2004
-Attended more than 200 Conferences, Symposioms and workshops in many different countries.


-Gebelikte Akut Lösemi. Kadın Doğum Dergisi. Sayı ? Yıl 1991 ?
-Daha Önce Laminaria Uygulanmış 2. Trimester Gebeliklerin Prostoglandin F2 Alpha’nın İntra Amniotik Verilmesi ile Sonlandırılması. Kadın Doğum Dergisi. Sayı ? Yıl 1991 ?
-Beta Thallasemia’nın Prenatal Tanısı için İlk Trimester Gebeliklerde Transabdominal Yoldan Korionik Villus Örneği Alınmasında Free-Hand Tekniği Sonuçları. Kadın Doğum Dergisi. Kasım 1992 s.153-156. Savaş Özyiğit, Mehmet Avcı, Ayşe Sözüöz, Halil İbrahim Tekin, Cengiz Karalezli, Gökhan Çıragil.
-Servikal Agenezi ve Vertebral Malformasyon. Kadın Doğum Dergisi. Savaş Özyiğit, Mehmet Avcı, H.İbrahim Tekin, Cengiz Karalezli, Gökhan Çırağı. Sayı ? Yıl 1992 ?
-Vaka Taktimi: Serviko- vajinal Agenezi de Konservatif Cerrahi. Kadın Doğum Dergisi Şubat 1993 s.275-276 .Savaş Özyiğit, Mehmet Avcı, H.İbrahim Tekin, Cengiz Karalezli, İ.Gökhan Çıragil
-İleri Evre Over Kanseri Olgularında Kombine İntraperitoneal ve Intravenöz Cisplatin Tedavisi. Yeni Tıp Dergisi 12(1): 17-20, 1995. Savaş Özyiğit, Musa Olgu, Berk Angün, Özlem Oğuz
-Sezaryan Doğumda Uterin Alt Segment Transvers Kesisinin Tek-Kat Kapatılması. Hekimce Sayı 27 1996. Savaş Özyğit, Hıfsiye Yücel, Minel Akın
-K.K.T.C.’de Tıp Fakültesi Olayı Üzerine. Hekimce Sayı 21 Mart 1999. Savaş Özyiğit
-Kuzey Kıbrıs Türk Cumhuriyetinde Prenatal Tanıda İnvaziv Girişimler. Hekimce 1997/43. Savaş Özyiğit
-Otoimmun Trombositopenik Purpura ve Gebelik. Hekimce 1997/41. S. Özyiğit, G. Bozkurt, H. Yücel
-K.K.T.C. Thalessaemia’nın Dünü, Bugünü, Yarını. Rapor 19--- S. Özyiğit, M. Avcı, A. Sözüöz
-Gerçek Hermafrodit. Türk Patoloji Dergisi. 16(1-2) 3-4 (2000). Mehmet Müderriszade, Tarık İzbul, Sonuç Büyük, Savaş Özyiğit.
-KKTC Master Planı İle İlgili Görüşler. Hekimce Mart 2000. Savaş Özyiğit
-Gebelikte Miyemektomi. Jinekoloji ve Obstetrik Dergisi 15: 112-117; 2001. Savaş Özyiğit, Musa Olgu, Mehmet Avcı, Haldun Canova, Funda Doğaroğlu
-Abortus. Kürtajın Tarihteki Yeri, Dinsel Açıdan İncelenmesi, Sosyomedikal Yönü. İnsanzamanmekan Savaş Özyiğit Yıl?


ESHRE: Europian Socıety of Human Reproduction & embryology- Since 2008
ASRM: American Society for Reproductive Medicine- Since 2011

Tuesday, March 6, 2012

Gestational Surrogacy in Cyprus

Many biological and medical reasons prevent some women from carrying a child to term. There could be a number of reasons for this, including failure of the embryo to implant, repeated miscarriages, hysterectomy or a pelvic disorder. Some women experience problems such as dangerously high blood pressure, a heart condition or liver disease, so that pregnancy would entail a serious health risk for them. In some cases, the woman might have born without a uterus or may have had it surgically removed for health reasons. However, women with the aforementioned health problems are not the only people who suffer from childlessness. Same sex couples, especially gay men, are also not able to have their own child without a surrogate mother.

A surrogacy arrangement is one in which one woman (the surrogate mother) agrees to bear a child for a couple (the intended parents) and surrender it at birth. This provides an opportunity for those who are unable to carry a child themselves to overcome their childlessness. There are quite a number of things to be considered before going down this road, however. Even though couples longing for children tend to be more emotional, these emotions should not be reflected upon their decisions. Surrogacy is a delicate matter which needs to be handled very carefully. At North Cyprus Fertility Clinic, we make sure our patients understand the legal, financial and the emotional aspects of consulting surrogacy as an option.

Surrogacy is not legal in many countries, including Northern Cyprus. However, due to a large volume of our patients from neighboring countries, we have decided to establish links with a renowned and a prestigious fertility clinic in Washington DC, United States, which specializes in IVF practices as well as surrogacy arrangements for gay and straight couples. We collaborate with attorney Hilary Neeimann of the United States for provision of surrogacy services to our patients. What we do for our patients is, we run the preliminary work here at our clinic. Patients are able to complete their initial medication stage here in Cyprus at our clinic, where we provide them with free of charge hotel accommodation, airport travels and domestic transfers. Hence, they can avoid large costs of travelling to the United States frequently.
A potential surrogate mother must be in good overall health and be able to undergo a pregnancy with the minimum amount of risk to her own health. Some medical conditions will prevent a woman becoming a surrogate mother, for example, if there are any known medical problems which could lead to complications with the pregnancy, or put the woman at risk. Also those who are considerably overweight, are heavy smokers, drinkers or substance abusers are not suitable as surrogate mothers because of the associated risks both to the woman and the baby. A the risks of illness and problems are much higher in the first pregnancy it is strongly recommended that surrogate mothers should have borne at least one child previously and preferably have completed her own family. This also means that the woman is able to give her “informed” consent to the arrangement, since a woman who has experienced pregnancy prior to the surrogacy arrangement has that knowledge on which to base her decision.

North Cyprus IVF can organize and coordinate surrogacy IVF treatment 100% backed by the US legal system for straight and same-sex couples.

Please email us at for further information.