Saturday, August 27, 2011

Repeated Miscarriages

Our clinic North Cyprus Fertility Clinic, located in Cyprus is very famous with its work on miscarriage investigation and genetic testing. 

The first step is to identify the precise cause of miscarriages. For this end, the following tests will be useful:

Factor V Leiden
Factor II

The clinic iteslf can administer these tests during your treatment and provide with the necessary supplements once the embryo transfer takes place. In cases where there is a mutation in one of these genes, the most appropriate major is to use zinc, folic acid, B6 and B12 vitamins prior to treatment and then have blood thinners post-treatment in order to make sure blood clotting can be avoided.

Please contact for further information or click this link for more detail.

Thursday, August 11, 2011

Success Rates for 2010 North Cyprus IVF Center

Success Rates for 2010

   Age Group
 IVF+ICSI Egg Donation
Sperm Donation 
 Tandem IVF Gender Selection (PGD)
 20-29  74% 95% 78%-- 81% 
 30-3468% 79%  71% 84% 64%
 35-3957% 73% 59%  70% 62%
 40-44 31%69% 30% 66% 38% 
 45- 10%67% 11% 65% 12%

Sunday, August 7, 2011

IVF Abbreviations via

DH – Dear husband or darling husband (or “damn husband” depending on context)
DP, SO  Dancing Partner or Significant Other . Usually means unmarried partner.
DB, DBF or DF = Boyfriend or Fiance
DD, DS = Darling Daughter or Son
DSD or DSD = Darling Stepdaughter or Stepson
DN = Neice or nephew
MIL, FIL, BIL, SIL = The in-laws: mother, father, brother, sister

Sex and Trying to Conceive
TTC = Trying to conceive (trying to get pregnant)
BD = Baby Dancing (sex to get pregnant)
DTD = Did The Deed or Doing The Dance (had sex, either to get pregnant or just for recreational purposes)
Pg = Pregnant
BC, BCP = Birth control, Birth control pill

Monthly Cycle and Gross Bodily Functions
O = Ovulation or orgasm (orgasm is usually “big O”)
AF = Aunt Flo (“flow”) = menstruation, getting your period
CD = cycle day.  The day you start your period is cycle day 1.
CB = Cycle Buddy.  Person in the same part of cycle as yourself.
DPO = Days Past Ovulation
CM or CF = cervical mucus or cervical fluid, the fluid that normally comes out of the vagina during the fertile part of your cycle
EWCM = Egg White Cervical Mucus. The most fertile CM; clear and slippery like egg white.
CP = cervical position
BBT = Basal Body Temperature. Method for detecting ovulation.
OPK = Ovulation Prediction Kit
POAS = Pee on a stick (to test for pregnancy or ovulation)
TCOYF = Taking Charge of Your Fertility book

Pregnancy Testing
2WW = Two week wait. After trying to get pregnant, waiting to test.
HPT = Home Pregnancy Test
BFP = Big Fat Positive (positive pregnancy test)
BFN = Big Fat Negative (negative pregnancy test)
hCG = Human chorionic gonodotropin. Substance detected by pregnancy tests.
Beta = blood test for pregnancy

Pregnancy and Nursing
EDD = Estimated Due Date
U/S = Ultrasound
CVS = Chorionic Villae Sampling. Test during pregnancy to check baby’s chromosomes; also determines sex.
BF = Breast feeding
BB = boobies (breasts)
MC or m/c = Miscarriage

KWIM = Know what I mean?
BTW = By the way
IRL = In Real Life
GD = Gender Disappointment 
PP = Previous poster.  Someone who commented earlier on the current thread and I can’t remember their username right now. 
GMTA = Great minds think alike
H&H = Happy and healthy
HTH = Hope that helps!
ITA = I totally agree
IMHO = In my humble opinion
LOL = Laughing out loud
ROFL = Rolling on floor laughing
LMAO = Laughing my ass off!
TTFN = Ta ta for now
AFAIK = As far as I know
BTDT = Been there, done that
DHAC = Don’t have a clue
FWIW = For what it’s worth
OT = Off Topic
PITA = Pain in the ass
SAHM, SAHD = Stay at home mom or dad
WAHM, WAHD = work at home mom or dad
TMI = too much information (usually an apology for sharing gross or very personal details) 

TBM = “Turkey Baster Method” = self insemination
O+12 = 12 hours after ovulation

ART = Advanced Reproductive Techniques
SA = Semen analysis
AI = artificial insemination
IUI = Intrauterine Insemination
ICSI = Intracytoplasmic Sperm Injection. During an IVF cycle, fertilizing an egg by directly injecting a sperm into the egg. 
IVF = In Vitro Fertilization
ER = Egg Retrieval
ET = Embryo Transfer
FET = Frozen embryo transfer
SET = Single embryo transfer
DP3DT, DP5DT = Days past 3 or 5 day embryo transfer
RE = Reproductive endocrinologist. Certification for fertility doctor.  Not all fertility doctors are RE’s.

Saturday, August 6, 2011

Frequently Asked Question

Frequently Asked Questions

Why do I need to get hormone tests done if I already have children?

The hormone tests are requested in order for the Dr. to better understand the quality and quantity of eggs and provide a personalized and detailed treatment for each individual patient.

Why do I need to have an ultrasound before I begin treatment?

The ultrasound is requested in order to make sure there are no ovarian cysts, polyps or anything else that might stand in the way of a successful IVF cycle.

What is the  HCG trigger injection for?

This shot is for women who are using their own eggs and it helps release the  mature eggs from the follicles and is usually done 35 hours before egg collection. It is the final step in assisting the maturation process and ensure the eggs are released from the follicles.

This is generally done in Cyprus but can be done before traveling in order to shortent the stay.

When do I start using the Cetrotide?

Cetrotide is generally used to block any premature LH surge in women and is generally started when the dominant follicle reaches 14mm.

What does Estradiol Valerate do?

It is a female estrogen hormone and is used for patients undergoing Egg Donation and is used to thicken and prepare the womb before the embryo transfer.

What does Gonal F do?

This is a follicle stimulating hormone (FSH) to help increase the number of growing follicles and their development.
The dosage will be prescribed based on the inital hormone test results and varies from individual to individual.

What does Menopur do?

Menopur is also used for follicle growth and development and contains follicle stimulating hormone as well as luteinising hormone (LH).

Can I travel with the injections?

The injections will need to be checked in your luggage but there should be no problems traveling with them.

Why do I need to have scans?

The scans for Egg Donation patients are requested in order to make sure that the lining of the womb is ready for the embryo transfer.

The scans for women using their own eggs (IVF with ICSI and Gender Seletion/PGD) is to ensure the follicles are developping well before egg collection.

It is important to let us know the results of the scans so that we can adjust your treatment schedule and medication in take if necessary.

What tests can I do if I have recurrig miscarriages?

Here are a list of tests that can be done:

Factor V Leiden
Factor II

How are the injections done?

The Gonal F injections should be done subcutaneously either in the abdomen/stomach area, naval area or upper thigh where there is excess skin and fatty tissues. It is recommended to vary the injection site.

Please watch the videos below for preparing and administering the medication.

When are the eggs collected?

The eggs are generally collected on day 15 of the cycle after an ultrasound and the trigger injection.

When is the embryo transfered?

With regular IVF the embryos are generally transfered on day 18 and with PGD on day 20.
This of course might vary from patient to patient.
We can transfer up to 3 embryos at our clinic.

What chromosomes are examined with PGD?

During the PGD biopsy we test chromosomes X, Y, 13, 18 and 21 which are causes of close to 90% of abnormalities.

What happens if we have left over embryos?

Many patients will choose to freeze the embryos in case they need it in the future, other patient will ask for the remaining embryos to be destroyed or used for donation.

When do I do the pregnancy test?

The pregnancy blood test is suggested 12 days after the embryo transfer.

What happens after a postive pregnancy result?

After a postitive result you will continue to take medication for 11 weeks after the embryo transfer. Normally this will be Crinone Gel (Progesterone) and Aspirin.

Do we have to use the accommodation offered in your packages?

Some patients decide they would prefer to select their own accommodation which is no problem for us.
If you would like to still take advantage of the free ground transfers however, it is preferable that your hotel be in Nicosia (Lefkosa) North Cyprus.