Friday, November 29, 2013

Tips for Conceiving: 6 Must-Try Baby-making Ideas

Trying to conceive a baby can be tougher than it sounds.  Making a baby should be as simple as having sex, but that’s not always the case.  If you’ve been trying to conceive and haven’t gotten pregnant, here are must-try baby-making ideas to help you get pregnant right away.

Use an ovulation prediction kit 
If you’ve been winging it or just having sex when you feel like the time is right, you may not be having intercourse during a time when you can conceive.  Timing intercourse close to ovulation is one of the best ways to get pregnant.  An ovulation prediction kit will tell you approximately when you will ovulate.  Once you get a positive result, you can expect to ovulate in the next day or two.  If you start having sex as soon as you get a positive result and continue for 2 or 3 days after, you will have a greater chance of conceiving.

Pick up the pace when you feel aroused or wet 
Just before ovulation you will start to feel wetter.  Your cervical mucus increases and becomes stretchy, thin, and slippery.  It will look similar to egg-whites.  If you notice egg-white mucus or you feel wet, it could likely mean that you are approaching ovulation.  Sexual arousal and an increased sex-drive are also signs that you are fertile.  Women often feel more aroused when they ovulate due to hormonal changes that happen around that time.

Aim for the "O"
Sometimes couples lose that loving feeling when they are trying to conceive, but enjoyable sex may be the key to getting pregnant.  There is some evidence that female orgasm can improve your chances of getting pregnant.  The debate is out on this, but the theory is that when a woman has an orgasm, the rhythmic contractions help to suck the sperm up into the uterus.

Stay in bed 
What goes up, might come down… and out.  This is the rationale behind staying in bed after sex.  Some women will even prop a pillow under their hips to help keep sperm inside the vagina longer.  The pillow may not be necessary, but it can’t hurt.  Staying in bed for 20 minutes after intercourse will help ensure that sperm have had time to travel towards the fallopian tubes and will help keep everything from leaking back out.

Try the Sperm Meets Egg Plan
The sperm meets egg plan is an easy to follow plan that makes timing intercourse easy.  This is how it works.  After your period, starting on cycle day 8 you should try to have sex every other day.  On cycle day 10, you should start testing with an ovulation test kit every day until you get a positive result.  Once you get a positive test you should try to have sex for 3 days in a row.  Then skip one day.  Then have sex again.

Have sex 2 days before you ovulate
Researchers have evaluated the timing of intercourse with pregnancy outcomes and what they discovered was that having intercourse two days before ovulation was the best time to get pregnant.  This is likely because of a process known as capacitation.  Capacitation takes place once sperm enter a woman’s body.  When sperm enter the reproductive track they go through a series of changes that make them more mobile and allow them to penetrate the egg.  This process takes up to 10 hours.  Thus, having sex a couple of days before ovulation, ensures that there are ready-to-fertilize sperm available when the egg is released during ovulation.

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Wednesday, November 27, 2013

IVF+ICSI Questions

1- How do I know if IVF treatment is right for me?
This is something that would be decided with an IVF specialist. If you have been trying to get pregnant for at least a year without protection and have been unsuccessful, then it may be time to have some tests done. Infertility can be either caused by a male factor or a female factor or in some cases, caused by both.
For the male partner, it makes sense to have a semen analysis in order to check for sperm quality: sperm count, sperm motility and morphology. The semen analysis will indicate if there is any reason to suspect a male factor infertility.
For the female partner, the first round of testing would involve FSH, LH, Estradiol and Prolactine hormone tests. These tests are the indicators of the ovarian reserves and egg quality.
Even after the first round of testing, there are considerations to be made such as whether further testing would be needed, or whether IUI would be consulted prior to an IVF treatment.
2- Which tests do I need to have done prior to IVF treatment?
Your gynecologist will be able to make a better assessment based on your initial consultation. First, an ultrasound scan and a round of hormone testing will be called for. For the male partner, a semen analysis will be required. These are the standard tests. If your doctor believes that further infertility  testing is necessary, then additional tests can be done.
Apart from infertility testing, IVF clinics usually ask for infectious disease testing as well. These are Anti-HIV, Anti-HCV, HbsAg, VDRL, Rubella IgG and sometimes CMV IgG. Some clinics require more tests than others, so it’s best to consult with the clinic which tests to have done prior to your IVF treatment.

3- How do I know if I can use my own eggs in IVF treatment?
Your hormone test results (especially FSH) will be indicative of the ovarian reserves. The hormone tests will allow your doctor to make an assessment of your ovarian reserves and estimate your likely response to a stimulation cycle.
Even though different clinics have different cut-offs for hormone levels, most clinics will not recommend using your own eggs with an FSH level higher than 15. In some cases, where the FSH test is inconclusive, the AMH test might be consulted.

4- What is the age limit for IVF treatment?
The age limit for IVF treatment varies from clinic to clinic and from country to country. Most clinics will not treat patients aged 45 and above while some will have an age limit of 50. Our age limit for IVF treatment is 45.

5- What does a high FSH result suggest?
Women are born with a set number of eggs. As they age the number and quality of eggs decrease. Basically FSH goes up in response to a negative feedback loop. Meaning as a woman's eggs start to diminish in quality or number, her body will in turn make more FSH to compensate for this loss. The egg itself communicates with the women's body to tell it to make certain hormones. So testing a woman's hormone levels can help determine the quantity and quality of eggs a woman has.. Anything higher than 14/15 will put the patient at a disadvantage in her response to stimulation medication. By measuring the amount of FSH, your doctor will be able to suggest specific treatments (such as in-vitro fertilization or intrauterine insemination) that could help you to conceive. 

6- How do I interpret my hormone test results?
Usually, the specialist who asks you to get hormone testing will do the interpretation for you. However, what is important is to get the hormone tests done on day 3 of your menstrual period so that the results are most accurate. Most labs will give you a report with your hormone levels and reference values so that you will know whether your hormone levels are in the normal acceptable range or not.

7- Can I have IVF treatment with PCOS?
Absolutely! In fact, some women can get pregnant naturally even if they have PCOS. Most women change their diets and living styles as a permanent treatment method, and in most cases, these lifestyle changes can have a positive impact of fertility.
Women with PCOS have difficulty ovulating properly, so you may have to use medication to stimulate ovulation and to regulate your menstrual periods. Your doctor may also prescribe injections such as an HCG shot to further stimulate your ovaries. However, if these changes do not allow you to fall pregnant naturally, or if you have not responded well to conventional medication, the IVF might be called for.

8- What is the IVF success rate for women with PCOS?
As long as the patient with PCOS is subjected to a successful stimulation cycle, and as long as some good quality eggs are retrieved, women with PCOS will have no problem falling pregnant. In fact, the rate of success will not be that much different from women without PCOS.

9- How does endometriosis affect IVF treatment?
The most important handicap of women with endometriosis is reduced egg quality. As a consequence, the rate of fertilization is much lower compared to women with no fertility issues. Therefore, the main problem is creating of the embryo rather than implantation. If you have gone through a few IVF cycles without success due to fertilization failures, the most sensible option might be to opt for egg donor IVF.

10- What is the IVF success rate for women with endometriosis?
Endometriosis is a condition in which the tissue endometrium, normally lining the uterus, grows on different organs outside the uterus.
In severe cases, formation of connecting tissues around endometriosis near the Fallopian tubes or ovaries may reduce fertility. Endometriosis can affect egg quality substantially, therefore, reducing the likelihood of a woman of becoming pregnant with her own eggs. In some cases, IVF using an egg donor is the only solution for women with chronic endometriosis.

11- Does IVF medication have any side effects?
There is no consensus on the possible side-effects of IVF medication. For quite a long time, IVF medication were thought of possibly causing ovarian cancer, but recent studies provide evidence that there is no direct link between IVF medication and cancer.
If side effects are experienced, they are usually very mild and short-lasting. Some patients experience feeling emotional and/or bloated. These are directly related to the changing hormone levels within the body.

12- How many eggs are usually retrieved in an IVF cycle?
This depends on your hormone levels, ovarian reserves, and how well you react to stimulation medication. An optimal stimulation cycle should result in an average of 10-12 good quality eggs to be fertilized. This allows the patient to have an optimal number of embryos (depending on sperm quality) to transfer and perhaps to freeze for future cycles.

13- How many embryos are put back in an IVF treatment?
This would depend on the IVF laws of a country. Some countries only allow for a single embryo transfer, while some countries have different numbers for different age groups. At younger ages, you are more likely to succeed with a lower number of embryos transferred; however, as you get older, it might be necessary to transfer multiple embryos in order to achieve pregnancy.
While single embryo transfers reduce the chances of IVF success, multiple embryo transfers increase the likelihood of a multiple pregnancy, therefore, you should plan carefully when you get to that stage in your IVF treatment. At North Cyprus IVF, our embryo transfer limit is 3 embryos.

14- What happens to unused embryos after the treatment?
Most clinics will offer you the option to freeze any unused embryos for future use if you have a sufficient amount of unused embryos of good quality. You will be able to have your unused embryos frozen for future cycles at a small fee. This will give you the opportunity to have future IVF attempts with minimal preparation and costs.
If the clinic does not offer cryopreservation (freezing), or if you do not want to have your embryos frozen, they are usually disposed of, or are used in clinical trials. The IVF specialist would make this clear prior to treatment.
At North Cyprus IVF, we offer our patients the option of freezing any unused embryos they have for future use.

15- Semen analysis shows zero sperm count, can we try IVF?
Even though a semen analysis may indicate a zero sperm count, it might be the case where there are live sperm cells in the testes. This can only be identified through minor surgical procedures like TESE/TESA/Micro-TESE and the like. These procedures are used to surgically remove a piece of tissue containing sperm cells. If there are live sperm cells, they will be used in IVF treatment along with ICSI to assist the sperm with fertilization.
In cases where these surgical procedures yield no results, IVF using a sperm donor becomes the only viable option.

16- I have reduced ovarian reserves, what type of treatment is right for me?
There is no single answer to this question. There are different levels of reduced reserves. You can have sub-optimal reserves, meaning you could be producing sufficient amount and quality of eggs with a good stimulation cycle, or you could be pre-menopausal, suggesting a very low chance of success.
An IVF specialist will typically ask for your hormone test results and make an assessment accordingly. Based on your hormone levels, (s)he will be able to prescribe you the right mode of treatment and the right dose of medication for the most efficient stimulation.

Sunday, November 24, 2013

Test hormone avant de voyager à Chypre

La première étape dans le processus de FIV serait d'avoir les tests hormonaux suivants effectués sur 2-4 jours du cycle menstruel , 1-2 mois avant que vous souhaitez procéder :


Une fois le traitement commence , nous allons demander que vous avez 2 follicules suivi des analyses sur cycle jour 7 et le jour du cycle 9 .

Où pouvez-vous avez les fait ?


Marbella :
Madrid :


Paris : Dr Céline Davy +33 1 43 80 28 05


Berlin : Centre de fertilité de Berlin . Dr Anette Siemann


Amsterdam :


Londres : La naissance Company ( ) Dr. Amin Gorgy ( )

Midlands : Royaume-Uni Cherish


Stockholm : Fertilitetslaboratoriet Dr Gabor Sebestyen +46 08 585 87 504

S'il vous plaît n'hésitez pas à nous contacter pour de plus amples informations :

Wednesday, November 20, 2013

Options de sélection du sexe

Nous avons d'autres options de traitement de la sélection du sexe dans notre clinique , mais quand il s'agit de la sélection du sexe , quelques facteurs sont très importants lorsqu'il s'agit de déterminer quel type de traitement sera plus adapté à vos besoins. Il s'agit principalement de l'âge des patients, les taux d'hormones féminines doit être mesurée à un certain moment au cours d'un cycle menstruel, le sperme et les résultats de l'analyse de son mari .

Le profil de l'hormone de la patiente est plus important lors de l'évaluation de la réserve ovarienne et la qualité de l' oeuf qui reste. Comme l'âge vieillit, les réserves de l'ovaire ont aussi tendance à diminuer à un rythme plus rapide , ce qui affecte la qualité des ovocytes en conséquence. Par conséquent, si nous savons exactement ce type de réserve nous étudions , nous pouvons optimiser l'issue d'un cycle de traitement en calculant soigneusement la dose de médicament à administrer.

Il ya trois différents types de méthodes de sélection du sexe offerts à notre clinique :

1 - MicroSort IIU - moins invasive de tous les traitements de sélection du sexe . Cela est principalement offert aux couples dans leur 20s . L' échantillon de sperme du partenaire masculin est triée dans des cellules porteuses X et Y et le lot approprié est injecté intra -utérine de la grossesse avec l'enfant du sexe désiré . Cependant, il ya quelques points que vous devez savoir sur cette procédure:
- Le mécanisme de tri ne fonctionne que lorsque la concentration de spermatozoïdes est plus de 70 millions / ml dans l'éjaculat . Sinon , les résultats sont moins précis.
- MicroSort fournit 90 % des résultats précis pour une fille et 80% pour un garçon. Par conséquent, ce n'est pas une méthode fiable à 100 % de la sélection du sexe .
- MicroSort est utilisé aux côtés de l'IIU , qui est la méthode la moins invasive de la reproduction assistée . Chances de succès avec IIU sont toujours beaucoup plus faible par rapport aux traitements de FIV .

2 - FIV avec PGD : Sinon, il ya une option DPI (diagnostic génétique pré-implantatoire ), qui est une procédure de test génétique effectué une fois les embryons sont créés. Il nous permet d'identifier le sexe avec une précision de 99,9% ainsi que le dépistage de la plupart des maladies génétiques communs , pour s'assurer que votre bébé ne dispose pas d'une maladie génétique grave. Si la patiente est âgée de moins de 35 ans et a un profil hormonal en ligne avec son âge , cette méthode est généralement la méthode idéale pour la sélection du sexe .

3 . MicroSort FIV avec PGD : Une autre alternative est de combiner les deux méthodes . La combinaison des deux méthodes est généralement recommandé pour les patients âgés de plus de 35 ans avec des réserves ovarienne diminuée . Si la concentration du sperme du mari est dans les normes acceptables , alors MicroSorting le sperme fait en sorte que la plupart des oeufs seront fécondés dans des embryons du sexe désiré. D'autres tests DPI fournira une précision de 99,9% et veillera également à ce que les embryons qui seront transférés sont exempts de grands désordres génétiques . Si la patiente ne dispose que de quelques œufs de travailler avec , cette méthode nous assurer que nous serons en mesure de trouver un embryon ou deux qui est du sexe désiré avec l' intervention de MicroSort avant .

Friday, November 15, 2013

Gender Selection Options

We do have alternative gender selection treatment options at our clinic, but when it comes to gender selection, a few factors are very important when determining which type of treatment will be more suited to your needs. These are mainly  the age of the female patienthormone levels to be measured at a certain time during a menstrual cycle, and the husband's semen analysis results.

The hormone profile of the female patient is most important when making an assessment of the ovarian reserve and the remaining egg quality. As age gets older, the ovarian reserves also tend to diminish at a faster pace and this affects the quality of the oocytes accordingly. Therefore, if we know exactly what type of a reserve we are looking at, we can optimize the outcome of a treatment cycle by carefully calculating the dose of medication to be administered.

There are three different types of gender selection methods offered at our clinic:

1- MicroSort IUI – Least invasive of all gender selection treatments. This is mostly offered to couples in their 20s. The male partner’s semen sample is sorted into X and Y bearing cells and the appropriate batch is injected intra-uterine for pregnancy with the child of desired sex. However, there are a few points that you should know about this procedure:
- The sort mechanism only works when the sperm concentration is more than 70 million/ml in the ejaculate. Otherwise, results are less accurate.
- MicroSort provides 90% accurate results for a girl and 80% for a boy. Therefore, it is not a 100% accurate method of gender selection.
- MicroSort is used alongside with IUI, which is the least invasive method of assisted reproduction. Success chances with IUI treatment are always much lower compared to IVF treatments.

2- IVF with PGD: Alternatively, there is a PGD option (Pre-implantation genetic diagnosis) which is a genetic testing procedure done once the embryos are created. It allows us to identify the gender with 99.9% accuracy as well as screening for most common genetic disorders, making sure your baby does not possess a serious genetic condition. If the female patient is younger than 35 years of age and has a hormone profile in line with her age, then this method is usually the ideal method for gender selection.

3. MicroSort IVF with PGD: One other alternative is to combine the two methods. Combination of the two methods is usually recommended for patients older than 35 years of age with diminished ovarian reserves. If the husband's sperm concentration is within acceptable standards, then MicroSorting the sperm makes sure that most of the eggs will be fertilized into embryos of desired sex. Further PGD testing will provide a 99.9% accuracy and will also make sure that the embryos that will be transferred are free of major genetic disorders. If the female patient has only a few eggs to work with, this method will make sure we will be able to find an embryo or two that is of desired sex with the prior MicroSort intervention.

Sunday, November 10, 2013

Egg Freezing in North Cyprus

An egg freezing cycle is very much like an IVF cycle where your ovaries are stimulated through the use of medication in order to obtain multiple good quality eggs. In an IVF cycle, the process does not stop here and continues until successful transfer of embryos into the uterus, where an egg freezing cycle does not aim that. The aim in an egg freezing cycle is to obtain as many good quality eggs as we possibly can, and freeze those eggs at our facilities for use at a future point in time. Given that we will be aiming for an optimal count and quality of eggs during this procedure, we will need plan your treatment very carefully so that the outcome pleases us all.

The first step in planning your treatment is to determine what type of a medication regimen will be in order so that we can optimize our results. To do so, we will need you to undergo a number of hormone tests so that we can make an assessment of your ovarian reserves and egg quality and proceed accordingly. The tests are administered on day 2 or day 3 of your menstrual period and are as follows:

- A base line pelvic scan (This is a simple ultrasound scan)

Blood tests:
- LH
- Estradiol
- Prolactine
- AMH (Anti-Mullerian Hormone) test.

Based on these results, we will be able to identify the right medication protocol and prepare you for the procedure.